pp108 : WS-AppServer Package Generation Wizard Interface

WS-AppServer Package Generation Wizard Interface

This topic provides information on the fields that you fill and the relative action to take, while generating a WS-AppServer package.

Creating a WS-AppServer Package also involves creating the corresponding Schemas and generating the Java code. While filling information in the relevant fields to create the WS-AppServer Package and its related artifacts, ensure that you adhere to the following caution statements:

  • Provide different folder destinations to create Java Archive, WS-AppServer Package, and Schemas although within the same Project.
  • Do not create the Java Archive directly under the Project. It is likely to interfere with the publish operation.
  • Ensure that the folder or path names that you specify do not contain any spaces. For details, refer to Service Container Configuration Interface.

    Table 1. Select Tables/Views
    Field/Option Description User Action
    Tables Shows the DB Objects in a tabular format Select to view the tables
    Views Shows the DB Objects in view format Select to view the database in its view format.
    Filter Filters the database objects to match a given name Enter the name or initial letters of the table or view in this field to filter names, and enable quicker selection
    Select All Related Tables Selects tables that share some relation Select to include related database tables when you select a particular table
    DB Object Displays the tables in the database Select the topmost check box to select all the tables/views.Otherwise, navigate through the list of tables using the buttons above the table details area, and select specific tables.

    Table 2. WS-AppServer Package
    Field/Option - Description User Action
    Package name The name of the WS-AppServer package. By default, the name of the project appears as the package name. Enter the desired name, if you do not want to retain the default name.
    Java Package Name The name of the Java package where the classes will be generated. By default, the name of the project is the name of the Java package, prefixed with 'com.' Enter the desired name of the Java package, if you do not want to retain the default name.
    Namespace The namespace which will be used by the Web service interface. By default, the project name will be a part of the namespace Provide a different namespace if you do not want to retain the default one.
    Package Folder New New folder where the WS-AppServer package will be stored. By default, the New option is selected. Provide a new name for the project in the New (if you do not want to retain the default name).
    Existing Existing folder to store the WS-AppServer package. Select Existing and click the browse icon to select an existing folder from the Workspace Explorer.
    New Folder Name This field appears when you select "New" under the Package Folder option. It contains the name of the new folder. By default, the field displays the package name. Provide a new name for the folder (if you do not want to retain the default name).
    Select a Folder This field appears when you select "Existing" under the Package Folder option. It contains the name of the existing folder. Browse and select an existing folder in the Solution/Project, from the Workspace Explorer.

    Table 3. Schemas Folder
    Field/Option Description User Action
    New New folder for Schema. By default, New is selected. To create a new Schema folder, leave this option selected
    Existing Stores the schema in an existing folder Select Existing to select an existing folder
    New Folder Name The folder that will contain the schema. By default, the package name will be a part of the folder name Provide a different folder name if you do not want to retain the default one.
    Existing Folder An existing folder that will contain the schema. Select an existing folder in the Solution/Project, from the Workspace Explorer.

    Table 4. Java Archive Folder
    Field/Option Description User Action
    Generate Java Code Generates the Java code from the Database Metadata Leave it selected to generate the Java code or deselect it not to generate the Java code.
    New New folder for the Java Archive. By default, New is selected. To create a new Java Archive folder, leave this option selected.
    Generate into existing Java Archive Source Stores the Java code in an existing Java Archive Source Select to place the generated code in an existing Java Archive Source.
    Java Sources Folder The folder that will contain the generated Java sources (.java files) Click to browse and select a folder in the project to place the Java source files. The default folder to be created appears as Java Source <name of the database metadata>.
    Java Archive Folder The folder that will contain the generated Java code. Click to browse and select a folder in the project to place the Java Archive Source. The default folder to be created appears as Java Archive <name of the database metadata>.
    Note: The JAR will contain the build output of the Java sources - the .class files. As the documents will be published according to the publish logic of Java Archive Definition, the JAR will also include all the folders and documents (including other Process Platform documents) that exist in this folder. This fails the publish activity. Therefore, to avoid publish failures, do not place any other document in that particular folder. If necessary, create an empty folder and select it or on an existing folder set the QN to exclude files that should be outside the scope of JAR.
    Java Archive Name Name of the new Java Archive that will be created within the selected folder. By default, the package name will be a part of the Java Archive name Provide a different name for the Java Archive if you do not want to retain the default one.
    Existing Java Archive Source An existing Java Archive Source to which the Java code will be generated Click to browse and select an existing Java Archive Source.
    Note: The JAR will contain the build output of the Java sources - the .class files. As the documents will be published according to the publish logic of Java Archive Definition, the JAR will also include all the folders and documents (including other Process Platform documents) that exist in this folder. This fails the publish activity. Therefore, to avoid publish failures, do not place any other document in that particular folder. If necessary, set the QN on the folder to exclude files that should be outside the scope of JAR.

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